Below 20 habits that only requires a few minutes of your time and keep you to stay healthy for more than a desire that you get from time.
A. Food Factor
1. Fight breast cancer by eating broccoli sprout
Broccoli buds is a rich source of sulforaphane a very high antioxidant levels. According to research conducted by Johns Hopkins University, sulforaphane can reduce about 60% the number of parasites that developed breast cancer after being expelled by the carcinogens.
One ounce per serving or about a half cup of broccoli buds contain at least 73 milligrams of sulforaphane number found in adult broccoli 1-1/4 pounds ripe.
2. Cook with the use of soy to keep your arteries and heart
You want to lower your cholesterol by 11% in six weeks? Try to always add the soy in your diet. You can even reduce the levels in your blood dialostik within six points in the same week. (Referring to the low diastolic blood pressure in arterisetelah contraction of the heart).
These results are in accordance with the statement issued by Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which claimed at least 43 women who aged 45 years to 60 years who consume two tablespoons of soy powder mixed in milk or orange juice or breakfast cereals consumed in every morning.
If not, you can consume a cup of soy milk, a cup of tofu, soy protein powder seciduk, or a handful of roasted soy nuts. Soy contains a good estrigen to fight cancer or arteriolosclerosis, head of research said Gregory Burke, MD, from Wake Forest's Department of Public Health Sciences.
3. Eat folic acid to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 75%
We must have heard about folid acid and benefits against birth defects and even against homocysteine, a major cause of heart disease. Although there is a downside as well as listed in the Harvard Nurses' Health Study who consumed 400 micrograms of folic acid every day for 15 years shows that their cancer risk decreased by 75%.
While the supplements for women who drank more than 10 years tended to decrease by 20%, as reported by the Annals of Internal Medicine. Currently the average mortality for colon cancer surpassed breast cancer and only a difference of two from lung cancer.
4. Eat blueberries for eyes and keep your arteries
Two-thirds cup of blueberries contains a total capacity of 1773 IU of vitamin E (60 times the recommended daily intake) and 1270 mg vitamin C (21 times the recommended daily intake). Antioxidant anthocyanins not only gives color to the blueberries, but also prevents blood clots that cause heart attacks, said Mary Ann Lila Smith, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Illinois vitro technology.
His research shows that blueberries can improve vision and slow macular reduction by strengthening the blood vessels at the back of the eye. According to a study of Boston's Tufts University states that the average rat eating blueberries for two months tend to be more rapid, coordinated, and can run with a well directed by the Journal of Neuroscience.
5. Start with soup
You will consume fewer calories if you start eating with a bowl of soup, according to a study at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Hot soup will help you fill your stomach so you will eat less at the main menu, says John Foreyt, Ph.D., a research director at the school nutrition program.
Individuals who consume a bowl of soup tends to lose weight around (about 1.3 pounds) than others during a time interval of one year.
B. Mental Exercise
6. Write down all your emotions on a piece of paper
Write down every three minutes in your journal, write an expression of love, or just a small note to your friends, "says Pamela Peeke, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and author of Fight Fat After 40 (Viking, 2000). Especially when you're in a stressful situation, try to write you with a feeling of emotion with emotion.
Researchers at the University of New York at Stony Brook found at least 47 of the 100 patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis in the study proved to decrease the frequency and symptoms of their illness after recording the events that they were most depressed in their lives during four months.
They recorded at least 20 minutes each day on three consecutive days. None of them are recorded on non-emotional topic which shows the change of value, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association last year. So try to dig your emotions and be healthy.
7. Enjoy your life and live longer
Enjoy the performing arts such as movies, or just attending a concert at the weekend. Maybe you could live longer. A study on 1200 people in Sweden found that around 36% of the public who used to attend traditional events are more likely to have the power to live longer than those who rarely watch the event. Why? As reported in the British Medical Journal, like having fun can boost the immune system and helps relieve pain.
8. Playing music can boost your antibody
Listening to jazz for half an hour can increase immunoglobulin A immune system to fight infections and infections of the respiratory tract that can be raised about 14%, the study involved about 66 students University Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
The study published in the Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills. Increase the frequency of antibodies did not affect body temperature by IgA. But the soothing music can help you to be more relaxed and accelerate healing, said Michael G. McGuire, professor and director of Music Therapy at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti.
9. Play puzzle to prevent Alzheimer's disease
Exercising your brain can decrease the development of Alzheimer's disease. A recent study claims around 193 people with Alzheimer's disease and 358 healthy people especially those aged around 70 years shows that those who are mentally active at age 60 years 40 samapai three times more at risk of Alzheimer's. The study conducted by Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
It is quite reasonable, said James Mortimer, Ph.D., a director of the University of South Florida Institute on Aging.Jika you go to a gym and lifting weights, your muscles will grow big and strong enough to lift more weights. We're very surprised if you do not train your brain to start early.
The theory is like a tree trunk in which brain cells will grow like a puzzle, puzzles, board games, and games that require intelligence. Less use our intelligence as a fall from a tree trunk, said Mortimer.
10. Sharpen your memory by sleep
Lean, close your eyes and try to relax for a few minutes that can help you clear your mind. If you really fall asleep, all you do to reduce strees always make a change, said James B. Maas, Ph.D., a professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and author of Power Sleep (HarperCollins, 1999).
It would be better: Go to sleep for 15 minutes but the quality. People always say that they do not have enough time, but they always had time for coffee. Rather than changing your bedtime with a cup of coffee, why do not you try paying your sleep debt and recharge your energy? Very impressive, because you will go through the rest of the day more alive and your mood will come back better.
C. Body Imaging
11. Rotates to reduce tension
If you suffer from a sense of tension in the back of your body, take a tennis ball and put in place his ball and then stand with your back leaning against my back to the wall, put a tennis ball between you and the wall, move the ball back you follow the directions on difficult terrains. You will feel like in a massage, said Dr. John Cianca, an assistant professor in physical medicine and rehabilitation diBaylor College of Medicine in Houston.
12. Be a sphinx or a cobra to relieve your back pain
Doing yoga for three minutes with a Cobra-style or Sphink can relieve your back pain. Lie on your stomach on the floor, hold your heel. Keep your hips stay on the floor, raise your body with your arms until your elbows. This exercise can help relieve sore muscles in your back, says Dr.Cianca from Baylor College of Medicine.
But if you suffer from herniated discs or arthritis, the exercise can not help you, immediately stop if the exercise is to make you hurt.
13. Sunglasses help prevent cataracts
Using sunglasses can help you avoid cataracts until about two-thirds as has been shown a 3000 study on fishermen in the Chesapeake Bay. The research is reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association two years ago.
Lens of the eye including objects live and ultraviolet light can burn your skin like a burn that causes cataracts and other eye disorders, said Anne Sumers, MD, speaker of Ridgewood, New Jersey, ophthalmologist from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
14. Walk to reduce your weight
Run for several minutes with the speed can definitely burn more calories than when you sit and watch TV. Walking about 10 minutes each day will burn 130 pounds on the diet for a woman who nearly about 5 pounds each year if it did not change her diet.
15. Many practicing
You can get quick results by simply doing three main basic exercises such as crunches, push-ups, and squats.
If you have trouble doing push-ups on the floor try to do it on the wall of your shoulder lean, and the rear body Anda.Berdiri away from the wall and place your fist on the bottom and move the shoulder away from the wall. Lean back and then push your body without moving the elbows to the side.
For abdominal exercises lying down with her face to the floor with your knees bent and feet parallel to the floor. Bend your arms in front of your shoulders and move your chest toward your knees. Exhale through your mouth when your body up and breathe air through your nose when you bend over.
Do squats to strengthen your legs and buttocks. Stand with your shoulders parallel with your feet facing forward. Bend your body by allowing the full weight on your heels. You will like sitting I do not like a chair when you search for a contact lens, said Susan Magee, personal trainer and operations manager at the Memorial Athletic Club in Houston.
Do not get too bent at the waist and make sure you do not open your fingers too wide. Perform these exercises at least three times a week from 10 to 20 count. Add the set every time you practice and give my spare time was 15 seconds per set.
D. Maintaining Wellness
16. The brushed my teeth and always use dental floss
Make yourself look younger than six years with always brushing and cleaning between your teeth every day, said Michael Roizen, MD, an anesthesiologist and internist at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Roizen author of Real Age: Are You as Young as You Can Be? (Cliff Street Books, 1999), said that recent research shows a relationship between spoilage bacteria found in the mouth with bacteria found in the throat. Clean your teeth with dental floss every day can make your arteries younger, "says Roizen.
Male under the age of 50 years who suffer from areas surrounding the teeth tend to experience premature death 2.6 times and three times higher risk of heart disease than men who scalloped and bergusi healthy.
17. Opponent influenza by letting your baby to always wash hands
Children who are used to wash hands with soap at least four times a day always attend class approximately 75%, of which 25% due to the flu and 50% for abdominal pain than children who rarely wash their hands.
This finding was conducted in 305 primary schools in the area of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, as cited in
The Journal of Family Practice.
18. Season your food to kill bacteria
Apples are in pasteurized to kill bacteria. Adding a teaspoon of mixture into 64 apple cider that has not been pasteurized to kill about 99% of bacteria E. Coli that may exist, a researcher bright Microbiology at the University of Kansas State in Manhattan, Kansas.
They also found that adding about 3 teaspoons of clove in each quarter of a pound of hamburger also has the same effect. You can add more clove, cinnamon, garlic, and oregano. Bacteria E. Coli can cause serious food poisoning, kidney damage, and can even cause death.
You still have to heat up your food though seasonings can also help, says Erdogan Ceylan, a research assistant Microbiology.
19. Your thorough drug consumption
Always consult your pharmacist about the medication that you live a good herbal or other treatments, suggestions, David Witmer, Pharm. D., director of Professional Practice and Scientific Affairs Division at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Bethesda, Maryland.
Many people do not realize that they consume drugs, including cold medicine, antihistamines, oral contraceptives, especially herbal medicines and dietary supplements which usually react to every prescription drug, he added.
Interactions between food, medicines, and supplements proven to cause death, which has killed about 7,000 people each year and 7% in hospital inpatient care, according to the Journal of the Geriatric Society.
20. Check your blood pressure regularly
You may be at risk of serious liver illness that sometimes did not show any symptoms if you are taking medication for cholesterol or blood pressure, and combined it with alcohol or painkillers or wearing tattoos and always changing sex partners.
At the heart healthy body which is the largest organ in our body exhaust filters, plant nutrition, as well as regulating blood circulation in the body. A test of the liver which cost about U.S. $ 200 can show if your liver from damage due to excess iron, irritation, or disease that causes hepatitis C, singer Naomi Judd and vocalist Billy Gibbons ZZ Top stopped a career.
You must perform tests on a regular basis and in accordance periksakanlah your doctor's advice if your family has a history of heart disease or suffer the risk of viral hepatitis. Also at risk in patients undergoing treatment or activity that has been mentioned.
The test is quite simple as taking your blood sample, and you need to know, says David Brandhagen, MD, an expert hepatologist at Mayo Clinic. If you act on a drug, you can stop Dryland because the liver can heal itself.
But if you are suffering from viral hepatitis, you should be checked to prevent further damage to your liver if you need treatment.
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