4 Oct 2010

Does Work Make You Stress?

Health - Everyone has experienced stress, but the response varies. Sometimes, the pressure in the work could be so heavy and can make us irritable, tired, and unproductive. To check your stress level while working, answer the following quiz developed by Paul J Rosch, MD, Chairman of the American Institute of Stress in New York.

Give score one point for each question you do not agree, two points for each statement to a certain extent you agree with, and three points for each statement that is your approval.

1. I can not express my true opinion on the job.

2. My responsibilities are many, but I'm not much authority.

3. I can work much better as long as it is not rushed.

4. I rarely receive recognition or award.

5. I am not proud, or satisfied, with my job.

6. I diculasi and discriminated against in employment.

7. My work place is not pleasant or safe place.

8. The work I crossed the street to the demands of family and personal needs.

9. I tend to often disagree with superiors, colleagues, or customers.

10. I feel less in control or in the work of my life.

When you score 10 to 16 points indicates that you can handle stress well, 17 to 23 points means you can handle stress pretty well, and 24 to 30 points means you need to solve the problems that have caused you experience severe stress.

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