4 Oct 2010

Frequent Pain Signs Body Many Free Radicals

Healthy Life - Are you often sick, but had had enough to eat, rest and sleep? Obviously if you are frequently ill it signifies a lot of free radicals in your body. Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron. As a result, this molecule would be unstable, so that he will always try to take electrons from other molecules or cells that exist in the vicinity.

"Free radicals can cause inflammation in the body. If people each day receive free radicals, there will be inflammation in the body continually," said Dr. L. Toruan Phaidon, MM on Wednesday (29/9/2010). Dr.Phaidon said free radicals that cause cells in the body become inflamed this will make the body feel the pain condition.

"Because there are people who from the outside looks fit but not healthy in his body. There is also the outside looking in it does not fit but healthy. But that ideal is outside looks fit and healthy in body as well," said the doctor birth 7 This November 1973.

Free radicals that enter the body can come from cigarette smoke, air pollution, pesticides and plastics. Therefore people who lived in a big city for example will receive free radicals and a lot more quickly exhausted due to high pollution levels than in the village.

Also monoxide substances contained in pollutants will compete with hemoglobin in the body to bind oxygen. As a result, if not maximal oxygen the body will feel unfit.

Free radicals can also be produced when the sport. When one sport, then the fat in the body will turn into energy and this process is called oxidation that produce oxidants or free radicals.

But that does not mean one does not need to exercise, because free radicals in the body can be reduced or minimized with fruits.

Consumed fruits are rich in fiber is unknown, so it can help the detoxification process both at the cellular level and also in the gastrointestinal tract that make the body become more healthy. In addition, fruits are also rich in antioxidants that can minimize the effects of free radicals in the body.

"Antidote other free radicals are tea, coffee, cocoa without sugar, but sugar can be replaced with honey," he said. Therefore, if you want to have a body that looks fit and healthy outside and inside, apply a healthy lifestyle and reducing the amount of free radicals in the body.

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