27 Oct 2010

Secret Sex emperors of China

Secret Sex emperors of China - China is famous for its incredible pile a lot of science, including the secret of virility of the emperor. What is the real core of the secret? Just like the kings in various parts of the world, Chinese emperors also likes hunting. There is time for the Kings came out accompanied by a faithful servant and his bodyguards.

Rabbits and deer are the main animals that often become targets of firing arrows of the king. In addition to delicious meat, these animals are extremely agile and great flight of not less than the horses ridden by the emperor and his followers.

So, if the emperor could at once physical riding. When sweat gold robes of the king that the sun was shining buffeted by passion hunt more passionate. In addition, the king not only motivated by the difficulty of getting the animals that were lively.

"There are drugs that are being sought by the emperor!" Said Dr. Grace, the experts of traditional Chinese medicine or traditional chinese medicine (TCM) clinic in a conversation in Shanghai, where he practiced.

Each time a young deer pierced by arrows of the king, deer or elk antlers cut direct. "Well, the blood that flowed from the horns, so the most a few drops, put a cup that had been given wine, drink immediately," said Rahmat. That's the sure cure for the king's virility.

Tens of thousands
It's a quick story that often contained in ancient tales. Gulp drops of blood from deer antlers is a small herb used by the emperors of China to boost stamina and virility. "There are thousands of ingredients used," said Rahmat.

But, of course, thousands of herbs that have a combination and variation of several herbal ingredients / sample, which was referred to the doctors as a booster libido and stamina.

Said Grace, the essence of the herb was basically to improve or strengthen the energy (ginseng, astragalus, dang root of zinc), strengthens blood (dang qui, chuan Xiong) and strengthen the kidneys (deer antlers, Morinda officinalis How, stem and root parasites, as well as cistanche salsa or if in China called roucongrong).

Herbal ingredients to be the only means for physical exercise such as tai chi kung fu even the emperor is not always performed well despite emperors who use this exercise to strengthen your stamina in bed. "Tai chi for example useful to strengthen the waist," said David Sungahandra sinse.

In addition, the recipes are definitely different levers between physician of the emperor that one and the physicians of the emperor before or afterwards.

"The recipes are important to the emperors as their every day busy with the affairs of state, whether it be meetings, meet with people, or this and that signature," explained Rahmat. So, the emperor should remain jreng booster for stamina.

In the meantime, which should be visited by the emperor is the number of concubines dozens. So, with a tight schedule, the emperor must follow a variety of protocol was made, ranging from the drink recipes are presented, until the day and who should attend.

Massage, bathing, and grooming
Since noon, the concubines who already knew the emperor would visit in peraduannya must prepare ourselves. "Massage, bathing, and grooming the beautiful is part of the protocol that must be waged by a concubine who has time to serve the emperor," said Rahmat.

For the emperor, the procedure was so complicated. The king is a shower and given a drug ingredient in the afternoon before making the concubines of this "upside down" in bed at night.

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