27 Oct 2010

Rarely Breakfast, Vulnerable Heart Disease

Rarely Breakfast, Vulnerable Heart Disease - Virtually breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Habits of the move with an empty stomach can lead to obesity because we eat too much in the afternoon.

It is known that obese people generally have a lot of fat under his belly and high cholesterol. All this is a risk factor for heart disease. Skipping breakfast can also increase insulin levels in the blood, in the long run it can invite disease diabetes.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed people who used to breakfast from childhood to adulthood, the risk for heart disease is lower than those who are lazy breakfast.

Experts suspect, lazy breakfast is a sign of bad lifestyle. People who rarely breakfast usually prefer small, sweet snack foods and less intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Lazy breakfast also affects how the body stores fat deposits.

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