1 Nov 2010

Cause Women Always Reject Sex

Cause Women Always Reject Sex - When women say no to sex, they usually refer to a variety of reasons, ranging from dizziness to feel very tired. Scientists believe there are medical reasons behind the attitudes of women who often find an excuse so they do not have sex with a partner.

Recent research shows, the brain was low berlibido women behave very differently with their normal sexual arousal. Women with low berlibido not get a quick blood supply to certain brain cells when stimulated. This may explain why some women can not enjoy sexual activity as appropriate.

The conclusion was made after U.S. scientists compared the brains of 19 women diagnosed with low berlibido called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) with seven women who are normal sexual desires.

The team from Wayne State University in Detroit is asking all those women watching erotic movies and their brains were examined using MRI.

Results dipresentaskan research at the annual conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver, Colorado, found that during lovemaking, the women with normal sexual desire had increased blood flow to parts of their brains. Those with low libido did not have increased blood flow.

Some doctors claim, low libido is an excuse created by drug companies to reap profits through the women's Viagra product.

Dr. Michael Diamond, who initiated the study states: "By identifying the physiological changes, I got proof that it is really an aberration."

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