1 Nov 2010

Developed Artificial Liver

Developed Artificial Liver - The liver is a single organ in the body that has the important task is complicated by the continuity of all functions of the body. That's why a liver transplant becomes the best alternative for patients with complications of life-threatening liver disease.

The main factor limiting the utilization of liver transplantation is the limited number of donors, whereas in recent years an increasing number of requests, including in Indonesia. Therefore, scientists continue to develop research in the field of liver treatment.

The one that is promising is an artificial liver that was developed through stem cell (stem cell). Previous liver transplantation from living donors always, usually still a member of the family.

Stem cell scientists from Wake Foret University Baptist Medical Center recently announced its success makes miniature liver. They use methods derived from the liver making the liver structure is then developed into new liver tissue.

Formation of miniature liver stem cells derived from this is a very complicated job. Although the use of miniature heart still needs further study, but the success of the scientists mark a new chapter in the development of liver disease and transplantation.

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