1 Nov 2010

Plastics Chemical Causes Male Infertility

Plastics Chemical Causes Male Infertility - A chemical found in plastic packaging has long been the attention of scientists because it endangers the health, one disorder in male reproductive organs. Several studies have shown exposure to certain chemicals will cause sterility.

Bisphenol-A or BPA is suspected to be a source of interference problems in the reproductive organs. These chemicals work like female sex hormones, namely estrogen and disrupt hormone endrogen.

In a research report published in the journal Fertility and Sterility mentioned, the factory workers in China who are exposed to chemicals plastics have lower sperm counts. This study reinforces previous research that says BPA affect the sexual development of male babies.

The study involved 130 Chinese factory workers who daily direct contact with items that contain BPA. Their health compared with 88 workers not exposed to BPA. Low sperm counts are found in the workers most exposed to BPA. The small number of sperm will cause sterility or infertility in men.

BPA itself scattered in the goods that we often use, such as in plastic packaging, beverage bottles, or household goods. Awareness of the dangers of BPA has lead many states prohibit the use of BPA. To reduce exposure to BPA, make sure the plastic packaging that are purchased free of chemicals that are marked with the number 7 in the recycling symbol.

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