27 Oct 2010

5 Substance Allergens In Soap

5 Substance Allergens In Soap - Soap that we use everyday can cause allergic reactions or skin irritation. This is because in the soap, there are several types of allergens substances that can make skin dry. What allergens are contained in the soap.

1. Fragrance
If fragrances on the list of skin care products maker, may be it is a ketone, aldehyde, amine, ester, etc. are not natural fragrances. Of course this does not participated perfuming substance to clean the skin, it can cause allergies when it makes contact with skin. If you are talented allergies, just choose unscented soap.

2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
SLS is a detergent that makes soap, shampoo, and toothpaste foaming a lot. More and more foam is breaking down more and more oil. Unfortunately, not only exposed to harmful oils, but also a layer of oil needed to maintain skin moisture. This may facilitate the occurrence of contact dermatitis and exacerbate eczema.

3. Paraben
Used in shampoo, soap, deodorant, and toothpaste, as a preservative. Often written with another name hydroxybenzoic. Although rarely cause reactions, parabens other types are also often present in the same product, thus increasing the risk of allergies.

4. Coconut Diethanolamide
Consumption of palm rarely cause allergic reactions, but coconut can be made into diethanolamid, the detergent that is able to erode oil layer and make the skin drier. Furthermore, allergic reactions can be more easily occur. Another name is coconut oil acid, cocamine DEA, ninol, witcamide, and calamide.

5. Balsam Peru
Also known as myroxylon which has a smell like vanilla and cinnamon. Used in soap, shampoo, perfume, calamine lotion, cough medicine and cola as well. Many people are allergic to fragrance instantly react when in contact with this balm. Symptoms that appear in the form of eczema or rash in the mouth when consumed.

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