27 Oct 2010

Do not Fear the Sun Bathing

Do not Fear the Sun Bathing - Many women are afraid of sunlight because of reasons of beauty and skin cancer. In fact, sunlight Formatting the activation process of vitamin D that is under the skin. That is why people who rarely bathe sun had vitamin D levels are lower.

Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of various diseases, ranging from bone loss, heart disease, and even some types of cancer.

Actually quite a lot of foods rich in vitamin D yanag, like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and milk. Adults require as much as 2000 IU vitamin D daily. As long as they get enough sunlight and regularly eat sources of vitamin D, vitamin D supplementation was not required.

Unfortunately many people do not like fish and only a few adults who still make milk as part of its food menu. They therefore advised to further familiarize themselves with the sun. Do not need a lot, just 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon.

In a study published in Archives of Dermatology, found patients who are genetically at risk of skin cancer and avoiding exposure to sunlight, have low levels of vitamin D in their bodies.

Experts say, if you are worried about the skin becomes damaged by ultraviolet light, make sure your vitamin D needs met. Either through food or supplements.

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