1 Nov 2010

Why Women Live Longer?

Why Women Live Longer? - Why do women have an average age of a longer than men? Results of recent studies show, women can live longer lasting because the cells of their bodies better than men in terms of improving ourselves. In a report published by Scientific American in November, Professor Tom Kirkwood of Newcastle University, UK, stated, genetically female body has a better mechanism of repair of damaged cells by delivery of healthy offspring.

Kirkwood in an interview last week that, the fact that a biological male body impressed "disposable" (disposable) and by the People's why Adam died at a younger age. Kirkwood argues, the body of men are "disposable" because the genes they have inherited to the next generation. "This theory is now widely accepted. Ageing is not triggered by time," said Kirkwood.

According to the theory developed, the aging process in the body governed by the genes that determine the level of maintenance that repair damaged cells. Most of the damage was unavoidable and caused by free radicals.

This damage can injure the DNA of the cell or the cell membrane that should be corrected. Some damage was also caused by external factors such as smoking habits. In the Kirkwood theory, aging is something that was not previously programmed by genes that repair cells can be modified.

In England, the difference in life expectancy of men and women currently getting thinner, which is about 4.2 years (down from 6 years during the last 27 years). Baby boy to live up to an average age of 77.7 years, while the baby girl can survive up to 81.9 years.

This difference is expected due to higher average risk of heart disease and life that must be borne by a man. The hormone estrogen is also claimed to protect women from heart disease.

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